If, like my good self, you happened to take more than a passing notice of the very recent Destination Kirkby debacle, and in particular the shameless one-sided reporting before the now infamous vote, you can not be anything but a little pleased by the current change of tack chosen by the local rag.
Don't get me wrong here, you'll find nothing earth-shattering within the articles, we know 'the club' has been slowly dying on its arse for years. Neither do I believe for a nano second that our very own Claude Rains will be knocking at the knees at the thought of the Old Hall Street hacks flashing their penlights in his general direction.
This being of course, in stark contrast to the Echo's use of WWII searchlights during their apparently relentless pursuit of 'Dem Yanks MKI.' It is nevertheless, a beginning.
[caption id="attachment_126" align="aligncenter" width="366" caption="AWOL"]
So far we've had a 'Supporters Poll,' the 'Experts View' and on Thursday we'll be able to digest the 'Fans Having Their Say.' What we'll be afforded in Friday's edition is anyone's guess although I can reveal, as a certainty, that nobody representing 'the club' will be making an appearance. Despite an invitation to contribute from The Echo, 'the club' have issued a plea of 'no comment.'* No great surprises there either then.
Thankfully 6000 Evertonians will be very much visible when they make their way down to West London for this Saturday's FA Cup 4th round replay with Chelsea. Notwithstanding the ridiculous 12.30 kick-off time, they've been warned by those awfully helpful chaps from Scotland Yard to 'turn up early,' otherwise they risk getting turned over big style by a wounded Chelsea team. Something like that anyway.
*there is an (as yet) unsubstantiated rumour doing the interweb rounds that the players
of Everton FC have been instructed not to speak to the Liverpool Echo. More on that later, or not.