Friday 4 March 2011

Nah! He's Probably Just Making It Up

The Liverpool Daily Post & Echo is up in arms, the Government you see have not only ordered condemned quango the North West Development Agency (NWDA to you and me) to sell off £50m plus of its assets, they have the brass neck to "slap" a "secrecy order" on the upcoming fire sale.

According to the distraught Daily Post correspondent, everything from Wavertree Technology Park, the famous Littlewoods building, on Edge Lane, and the Estuary Commerce Park, in Speke, including the National Bio-manufacturing Centre and the former aerodrome site could be sold as early as next month, crucially it seems, without the knowledge of local people.

The article goes on to claim that proceeds from these "secret sales" will no doubt go to "fill treasury coffers." 

Despite their best efforts, our reporter hits a brick wall of Governmental silence when rebuffed by business minister Mark Prisk, who repelled the enquiry with that old chestnut: “We have to be very careful around a whole series of commercial confidentialities. We have taken the view that, rather than get into part of the story, it’s far better to maintain confidentiality.”

Down but not out, our intrepid crusader dusted him/herself off and turned to posh, shocked and disgusted Wavertree MP Luciana Berger who "condemned" the "secrecy" so much, she has promised to table a Parliamentary question on the subject this very day.

The ConDems will be quaking in their brogues.

Despite this they should be applauded on their attempt to lift the lid on this particular story: Good work The Daily Post, huzzah!!

Meanwhile closer to home and in the wake of an abysmal FA cup exit, a sports reporter with a name made for journalism, Richard Askam, revealed exclusively on BBC's NW Tonight that Everton Football Club has been the subject of recent and numerous takeover attempts. In an interview with David Bick, the 'takeover advisor' disclosed he has been approached on multiple occasions by various people looking to buy Everton FC, he went on to claim that one particular bid was made by a "very serious investor" with "deep pockets." A bid David Bick says "went a long way down the track and then stopped." 

Obviously it is all a bit cloak 'n dagger this reporting on a possible takeover and no doubt there would have been, as with the NWDA report, assurances made based on 'commercial confidentialities.' To add fuel to the fire, when invited to respond by the BBC, Everton Football Club 'declined' the offer.

So, all very hush-hush then and so 'secret' as to be right up the (Old Hall) street of the Liverpool Daily Post & Echo's fearless investigators. After all, with a captive Evertonian audience desperate for this sort of news and the chance to move more copy, you'd imagine the journos and their editors in question would be clambering over one another to have a go at this particular scoop.

Well, nah. It seems that possible and multiple takeover bids for a world-renowned multi-million pound local business is not deemed newsworthy by the powers that be at the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo. Apparently David Bick, a man involved in the takeovers of many a football club, including Man City, could be simply 'making it all up.' 

Maybe Mr Bick has too much time on his hands, or could it perhaps be that the LDP&E's recent rap across the knuckles from Everton Football Club, has put the publication back into its well-worn place, as the loyal dog who once in a while steps out of line and gets a clip on the nose.....or something like that?
Daily Post & Echo
A quick mail from a friend of this blog to Richard Askam has confirmed that Everton Football Club had nothing to do with the information highlighted on the NW tonight report.




  1. Every round of season ticket sales brings with it the usual notice of potential buyers of the club. The two go hand in hand. Many fans are sick of the scenario.

    It won't be long before it will be buy one get one free as fans just give up on Kenwright and pals - the phrase 'regime change' comes to mind ......

  2. by jamie cameron on March 08, 2011

    if i could buy one premier league club it would be everton. they are only missing a decent striker to be a great team.

  3. by Roderick Paul on March 08, 2011

    can't argue with that

  4. by Henry on March 08, 2011

    Shame. Everton are only failing to progress because they are hamstrung by their poor financial situation. We will now probably sell Rodwell this summer :-(

  5. by Mike Green on March 08, 2011

    Kenwright's a joke!!!
